Bataan March Course THE COURSE

The Bataan March is held at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The course is comprised of the full 26 mile route and a 14 mile honorary route. Either way, you are hiking through the desert.

Much of the journey is through desert trails. Aside from the distance, the three main challenges are elevation, sand and heat. Every few years there is sustained wind to contend with as well.

The course starts on pavement and transitions to trail after the first mile. The next section is a curved stretch of trail over flat land. At 8.5 mile mark, you can turn left to complete the honorary route. That path takes you through the sand pits and to the end of the course.

If you turn right instead, that leads to the base of Mineral Hill, which is a small mountain. The grade is steep. The base starts at the 9 mile mark on pavement. After the 12 mile mark, the course transitions to trail and starts to level out. Be sure to stop and take a picture at the 13 mile marker sign (half way through the course).

The trail continues around the back of Mineral Hill. At about 18.5 miles, the course rejoins the paved road and you take it back down. The descent is a break of a sort. The sand pits begin at about mile 21 and last just under 2 miles. From there, the trail is level until the end of the course.

Bataan March Altitude





Bataan March Course Files

Bataan March 2014 (TCX File)

Bataan March 2014 (GPX File)

Bataan March 2013 (TCX File)

Bataan March 2013 (GPX File)

Bataan March 2012 (TCX File)

Bataan March 2012 (GPX File)

Bataan March 2012 (CSV File)

Bataan March 2012 (KML File)
